Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Letter to Mr.Chmelik

Dear Mr. Chmelik

Being the international school ISKL, is, we hold diverse culture and we are here to talk about the food waste that we have made in daily life. After we hold this interview for each student at our school, there are several people who thinks the food is too much for them and often throw it away to wrong trash cans. Our school has provided two types of bins for our food waste; normal trash can and food waste trash can. But still, there are people who have troubles throwing the food waste to the wrong bin or they don't even know if those trash cans are exist. But the rest of the school population have their lunch packed from home and bring them to school daily. These people find the canteen food not as delicious as the food they bring from home or find the portion of the food a bit too much/ too little so they decide to pack their own lunch with their own amount of food and etc.

There are three lenses of food waste; Economic, Social, and Environment. According to the person that we interviewed, he finds that the canteen food is too expensive, the portion of the food is too much for him, and also it's not as healthy as he thought it would be. Spending a lot of money on food can lead to the economic of the society and it's an advantage for the canteen owner but it's a disadvantage for him. In my case, I ,sometime, bring my food to school but I still find the canteen food really expensive and almost spend, at the very least, RM 15 per day, which is a lot of money to be spent on food. Some people, including myself, have troubles between spending more money on food or save it for the next day. On the other hand, the social impacts such as business can create positive social outcomes by donating unsold food to charities that support people in need. Donating food that we waste each day or limit your food portion to charities is an excellent wat to promote your business, enhancing your business reputation and keeping food waste out of landfill. Currently, charities only collect a small portion of the food that is potentially available and it's not enough to meet demand.

How often do you bring your lunch from home per week?


According to this table, a lot of people in our school buy their lunch from the school canteen, meaning that is it important for us to be providing food that people like, in order to prevent them from wasting it.

Why do we throw it away? too much? sucks? Not hungry?

Doesn't taste good
Not hungry
Too much

As seen in this table, one of the main problems is that there is too much food, which is causing them to waste. This issue can be easily solved, this should be taken to action. If they reduce the portion sizes around 30%, they should reduce the price too and with a more accurate system it’ll be easier for people to purchase the right amount of food. When people get meals that are more “personalized”, the chances of food waste are less. 

I think our main problem is wasting too much food. We would like to see campaigns being spread around, as it is clear that people are not aware of the problem that ISKL possesses. Students don't really care that these composting bins are even exist and some of them don't even know about it. Our idea to force people to use composting bins is to create bigger and brighter bins that get people to notice them. Currently they are little waste bins, which are half the size of the trash bins, and since they are in a dark grey color, they just sort of blend in. A fact of nature is that people are naturally lazy, and having to press on the petal to open the lid is a deal for many people. It would be easier to just have a brightly colored open-lid bin rather than a dark-grey color small bin. This way people will take notice, and hopefully start composting food like they should be.

As a conclusion, we believe that this is a huge problem in our school and we all think we should improve this. It disgusts me to see a lot of food to go waste but I think all of us feel strongly about trying to fix this issue. It is important to save food for people who really need it.

Thank you,

Sarah Tarigan


Detail the arguments for and against Marijuana legalization   (10 marks)

Marijuana - the gate way drug
  • It's a gateway to introduce other drugs such as heroine, cocaine, LSD and others
  • There is a higher chance or risks of having high people driving, behaviors and others
  • There is an increase risk of young kids to buying it
  • More physical damages to the person
  • Become more popular or widespread
  • Cause legalization of other drugs as a chain effect
  • Some people who are addicted can't stopped at times
  • Cause more newcomers to try drugs
Marijuana - legalization
  • It's not more harmful that alcohol/tobacco if used in moderation.
  • Limiting drug usage is limiting personal freedom
  • If you lower the prices, there is less problems with poverty and related crimes
  • Medical benefits 
  • There is fewer drug disputes on the streets
  • There is fewer drug dealers
  • FDA can monitor quality/safety of drugs.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Peer Pressure

Explain the 4 types of (peer) pressure and give 2 examples of each.

Indirect peer pressure happens when someone doesn't force in making you do something but indirectly encouraging you to.
  • When everyone else around you is drinking/smoking/doing drugs and you feel pressured to join them and do the same thing, though they don't ask you or offer you any.
  • When everyone else has an iPhone or Samsung while you have a Nokia or an older phone and society is indirectly pressuring you to advance and move along with times.
Friendly peer pressure happens when someone gives you pressure, not in a serious way and more likely to be in a friendly way but this happens on an everyday basis. 
  • When your teachers pressure you to meet deadlines and do your homework.
  • When your parents pressure you to get good grades or clean up your room.
  • When your popular friends pressure you to join them drinking alcohol.
Teasing peer pressure happens when someone starts verbally/through action teasing you about something or someone. 
  • When you get teased about not going out on weekends or drinking/smoking/drugs
  • When you get called by names for not doing something.
  • When one is teased of behaviors and is expected to conform and change.
Threatening peer pressure
  • Non violent: It happens when you threaten someone but not using violence (such as: verbal threaten). Verbal threatening to someone, if there's someone who's doing drugs that threatens you in a way to push the drugs to you. For example; threatening to take something away from you if you don't follow his/her instructions.
  • Violent: Threatening situations where violence plays a big role. For example, asking someone to buy you lunch or you'll beat them up later. Or for example, if you threaten to go hunt down one's siblings of relatives if they don't do something.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

FCD Reflection

You should think about:

Why you think it is important (or not) 2 days of health class?

It's important because we learned more about drugs and the impacts of drugs on people. There are are two ways to get out the substances from our body; if someone gets drunk, you might have to give some water to them or if she/he feels sick, wait for them to vomit. 

What you got out of the 2 days?

From these two days, I learned how to treat a drunk person by not taking them to sleep because there is a possibility of them going to die. Another thing is if you overdose on drugs, you might get brain freeze or stroke. People with these kinds of experiences will have to go to rehab because if not, they are going to be in danger. 

What's interesting / new?
We got to know new types of chemical drugs such as SPICE or K2. They recently became popular and we should be aware of that.