Sunday, April 21, 2013


Detail the arguments for and against Marijuana legalization   (10 marks)

Marijuana - the gate way drug
  • It's a gateway to introduce other drugs such as heroine, cocaine, LSD and others
  • There is a higher chance or risks of having high people driving, behaviors and others
  • There is an increase risk of young kids to buying it
  • More physical damages to the person
  • Become more popular or widespread
  • Cause legalization of other drugs as a chain effect
  • Some people who are addicted can't stopped at times
  • Cause more newcomers to try drugs
Marijuana - legalization
  • It's not more harmful that alcohol/tobacco if used in moderation.
  • Limiting drug usage is limiting personal freedom
  • If you lower the prices, there is less problems with poverty and related crimes
  • Medical benefits 
  • There is fewer drug disputes on the streets
  • There is fewer drug dealers
  • FDA can monitor quality/safety of drugs.

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