Monday, April 15, 2013

Peer Pressure

Explain the 4 types of (peer) pressure and give 2 examples of each.

Indirect peer pressure happens when someone doesn't force in making you do something but indirectly encouraging you to.
  • When everyone else around you is drinking/smoking/doing drugs and you feel pressured to join them and do the same thing, though they don't ask you or offer you any.
  • When everyone else has an iPhone or Samsung while you have a Nokia or an older phone and society is indirectly pressuring you to advance and move along with times.
Friendly peer pressure happens when someone gives you pressure, not in a serious way and more likely to be in a friendly way but this happens on an everyday basis. 
  • When your teachers pressure you to meet deadlines and do your homework.
  • When your parents pressure you to get good grades or clean up your room.
  • When your popular friends pressure you to join them drinking alcohol.
Teasing peer pressure happens when someone starts verbally/through action teasing you about something or someone. 
  • When you get teased about not going out on weekends or drinking/smoking/drugs
  • When you get called by names for not doing something.
  • When one is teased of behaviors and is expected to conform and change.
Threatening peer pressure
  • Non violent: It happens when you threaten someone but not using violence (such as: verbal threaten). Verbal threatening to someone, if there's someone who's doing drugs that threatens you in a way to push the drugs to you. For example; threatening to take something away from you if you don't follow his/her instructions.
  • Violent: Threatening situations where violence plays a big role. For example, asking someone to buy you lunch or you'll beat them up later. Or for example, if you threaten to go hunt down one's siblings of relatives if they don't do something.

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