Sunday, May 19, 2013

Teens, Dating and Abstinence Video

Explain the importance of communication in a teen relationship.

  • In the relationship, communication helps partners in the relationship to express his/her desires, needs, wants, concerns, and feelings. A lack of communication can result in unwanted sex, misunderstandings, a feeling of being used and could lead to things you don't want. Communication is important in a teen relationship as it sets boundaries in the relationship and allows you to have limits with what you don't and do feel comfortable with.

How does the media influence do to provide sexual stereotypes?

  • The media provides many sexual stereotypes which teenagers are exposed to over countless amounts of times a year. It shows two people having steamy moments quite early in their relationship without considering contraceptives and the possible after-affects of sex. According to the video, this leads teenagers into thinking that physical interaction and sex is acceptable and is wanted by their partner; which actually very rarely the case.

Explain 4 wrong reasons to have sex?

  • To impress someone or your partner
  • Peer pressure
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • If you have been going out for a while and your partner thinks it is "time"

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