Tuesday, January 8, 2013

5 things that I'm proud of

There are five things that I'm really proud to have in my life. I have lots of people around me who always help me and support me behind my back. Even if I need a help, they would always the first one to help me. First, I'm proud of my parents, who have raised me until now. I might have been a naughty kid but my parents have raised and brought to where I am now. They support me whenever I want to do things that is important to me. Adding to that, they are really protective around me which annoys me sometimes but although I'm annoyed, I still think that it's important for them as parents to be protective around their son or daughter. Second, I'm proud I have several friend who I've trusted since the first time I came to ISKL. To be honest, they are the ones who help me with my work or if I'm in trouble, they would come to help me solve it. Third, I'm proud that this year I'm going to be in a musical called "Music Man Concert" because it's one of the things that I want to do before I graduate from ISKL. Fourth, I'm not sure to say about this but I'm proud that I have a chance to study in an international school because from what I've heard from other student who left, they thought that studying in an international school is a rare opportunity and we should be glad that we could study here. Last, but not least, I'm proud that this is my first Health blog and I'm going to keep updating every single day.

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