Sunday, May 19, 2013

Teens, Dating and Abstinence Video

Explain the importance of communication in a teen relationship.

  • In the relationship, communication helps partners in the relationship to express his/her desires, needs, wants, concerns, and feelings. A lack of communication can result in unwanted sex, misunderstandings, a feeling of being used and could lead to things you don't want. Communication is important in a teen relationship as it sets boundaries in the relationship and allows you to have limits with what you don't and do feel comfortable with.

How does the media influence do to provide sexual stereotypes?

  • The media provides many sexual stereotypes which teenagers are exposed to over countless amounts of times a year. It shows two people having steamy moments quite early in their relationship without considering contraceptives and the possible after-affects of sex. According to the video, this leads teenagers into thinking that physical interaction and sex is acceptable and is wanted by their partner; which actually very rarely the case.

Explain 4 wrong reasons to have sex?

  • To impress someone or your partner
  • Peer pressure
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • If you have been going out for a while and your partner thinks it is "time"

Friday, May 3, 2013

Stress Tips

Choose 5 that you have used before from the 2 page handout.

1: Sleep or sit down on the chair 

2: Listen to music

3: Exercise

4: Laugh

5: Prioritize 

Choose 2 that you will try in the future

1: Talk to people that you are close with. 

2: Make a list of how to prioritize. It's easier for you to organize yourself in this way.



1. I feel frustrated when you give us a lot of homework because I have to study for a test tomorrow. I would like you to reduce the amount of homework that you give us.

2. I feel grateful when you give me good grades because I feel accomplished and that pays off everything I've done. I would like you to keep continue to do this. 

3. I feel left out when you don't invite me to your birthday party because I'm one of your best friend and best friends 

Stress - Portrait of a Killer

1. EXPLAIN the relationship between stress and hierarchy
From the video we watched in class, we can to the conclusion that stress is more common for those who are lower in the hierarchy or who are in multiple hierarchies. From the experiment of the baboons in Africa, we could see that there was one dominant male who was extremely carefree and expected everyone to follow him; he could pick a fight with those weaker than him and there was more aggression in the overall group of baboons. After that disease killed all of the dominant males in the group and left only the weaker, smaller baboons it was clear that there were now low levels of aggression with no alpha males around meaning that there was no stress in the group anymore. Also, with the experiment of the 28,000 British social workers, it was stated that diseases were more common for lower ranked people in the hierarchy. The women social worker who had more power stated that she had never been ill and had to miss work before, whereas the male social worker who was lower ranked (ranked 7) said he had been ill and missed work almost half the time he had been working which was three years. With this, we can see whoever is 'dominant' has low stress hormones and are healthier compared to people who are submissive who have high stress hormones. 

2. DESCRIBE the relationship between stress and control
This relates to the first one with social status and stress. The more control you have ( the higher you are in the hierarchy), the less stress there is since you get more freedom to think for yourself and your life. The goal should not be to get rid of stress, but to find the right time and to have control. There are two main types of stress, acute and chronic. Acute stress is more of a 'good stress' like stimulation; whereas chronic stress destroys bodies, minds and lives, it is the never ending stress which is extremely difficult to get away from if even possible to overcome. With stress, control is not an option. You can't choose when to get stressed or not, it will just happen and you will have to deal with it. Researchers in the video stated that in society every person is included in multiple hierarchies meaning it is more common for us to get stressed. We need to find control in our hierarchies in order to become less stressed; if we are submissive, we feel more stressed, and need to find another hierarchy to be dominant in in order to ease the stress. Overall from the video I can conclude, we can't control how much stressed we become we can only try to avoid getting stressed by making ourselves feel more important in other things. 

 3. LIST the physical problems the 5 scientific studies have linked with stress.
  • Depression
  • Heart diseases
  • High blood pressure/heart attack
  • Poor judgement
  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Frequent colds

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Letter to Mr.Chmelik

Dear Mr. Chmelik

Being the international school ISKL, is, we hold diverse culture and we are here to talk about the food waste that we have made in daily life. After we hold this interview for each student at our school, there are several people who thinks the food is too much for them and often throw it away to wrong trash cans. Our school has provided two types of bins for our food waste; normal trash can and food waste trash can. But still, there are people who have troubles throwing the food waste to the wrong bin or they don't even know if those trash cans are exist. But the rest of the school population have their lunch packed from home and bring them to school daily. These people find the canteen food not as delicious as the food they bring from home or find the portion of the food a bit too much/ too little so they decide to pack their own lunch with their own amount of food and etc.

There are three lenses of food waste; Economic, Social, and Environment. According to the person that we interviewed, he finds that the canteen food is too expensive, the portion of the food is too much for him, and also it's not as healthy as he thought it would be. Spending a lot of money on food can lead to the economic of the society and it's an advantage for the canteen owner but it's a disadvantage for him. In my case, I ,sometime, bring my food to school but I still find the canteen food really expensive and almost spend, at the very least, RM 15 per day, which is a lot of money to be spent on food. Some people, including myself, have troubles between spending more money on food or save it for the next day. On the other hand, the social impacts such as business can create positive social outcomes by donating unsold food to charities that support people in need. Donating food that we waste each day or limit your food portion to charities is an excellent wat to promote your business, enhancing your business reputation and keeping food waste out of landfill. Currently, charities only collect a small portion of the food that is potentially available and it's not enough to meet demand.

How often do you bring your lunch from home per week?


According to this table, a lot of people in our school buy their lunch from the school canteen, meaning that is it important for us to be providing food that people like, in order to prevent them from wasting it.

Why do we throw it away? too much? sucks? Not hungry?

Doesn't taste good
Not hungry
Too much

As seen in this table, one of the main problems is that there is too much food, which is causing them to waste. This issue can be easily solved, this should be taken to action. If they reduce the portion sizes around 30%, they should reduce the price too and with a more accurate system it’ll be easier for people to purchase the right amount of food. When people get meals that are more “personalized”, the chances of food waste are less. 

I think our main problem is wasting too much food. We would like to see campaigns being spread around, as it is clear that people are not aware of the problem that ISKL possesses. Students don't really care that these composting bins are even exist and some of them don't even know about it. Our idea to force people to use composting bins is to create bigger and brighter bins that get people to notice them. Currently they are little waste bins, which are half the size of the trash bins, and since they are in a dark grey color, they just sort of blend in. A fact of nature is that people are naturally lazy, and having to press on the petal to open the lid is a deal for many people. It would be easier to just have a brightly colored open-lid bin rather than a dark-grey color small bin. This way people will take notice, and hopefully start composting food like they should be.

As a conclusion, we believe that this is a huge problem in our school and we all think we should improve this. It disgusts me to see a lot of food to go waste but I think all of us feel strongly about trying to fix this issue. It is important to save food for people who really need it.

Thank you,

Sarah Tarigan


Detail the arguments for and against Marijuana legalization   (10 marks)

Marijuana - the gate way drug
  • It's a gateway to introduce other drugs such as heroine, cocaine, LSD and others
  • There is a higher chance or risks of having high people driving, behaviors and others
  • There is an increase risk of young kids to buying it
  • More physical damages to the person
  • Become more popular or widespread
  • Cause legalization of other drugs as a chain effect
  • Some people who are addicted can't stopped at times
  • Cause more newcomers to try drugs
Marijuana - legalization
  • It's not more harmful that alcohol/tobacco if used in moderation.
  • Limiting drug usage is limiting personal freedom
  • If you lower the prices, there is less problems with poverty and related crimes
  • Medical benefits 
  • There is fewer drug disputes on the streets
  • There is fewer drug dealers
  • FDA can monitor quality/safety of drugs.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Peer Pressure

Explain the 4 types of (peer) pressure and give 2 examples of each.

Indirect peer pressure happens when someone doesn't force in making you do something but indirectly encouraging you to.
  • When everyone else around you is drinking/smoking/doing drugs and you feel pressured to join them and do the same thing, though they don't ask you or offer you any.
  • When everyone else has an iPhone or Samsung while you have a Nokia or an older phone and society is indirectly pressuring you to advance and move along with times.
Friendly peer pressure happens when someone gives you pressure, not in a serious way and more likely to be in a friendly way but this happens on an everyday basis. 
  • When your teachers pressure you to meet deadlines and do your homework.
  • When your parents pressure you to get good grades or clean up your room.
  • When your popular friends pressure you to join them drinking alcohol.
Teasing peer pressure happens when someone starts verbally/through action teasing you about something or someone. 
  • When you get teased about not going out on weekends or drinking/smoking/drugs
  • When you get called by names for not doing something.
  • When one is teased of behaviors and is expected to conform and change.
Threatening peer pressure
  • Non violent: It happens when you threaten someone but not using violence (such as: verbal threaten). Verbal threatening to someone, if there's someone who's doing drugs that threatens you in a way to push the drugs to you. For example; threatening to take something away from you if you don't follow his/her instructions.
  • Violent: Threatening situations where violence plays a big role. For example, asking someone to buy you lunch or you'll beat them up later. Or for example, if you threaten to go hunt down one's siblings of relatives if they don't do something.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

FCD Reflection

You should think about:

Why you think it is important (or not) 2 days of health class?

It's important because we learned more about drugs and the impacts of drugs on people. There are are two ways to get out the substances from our body; if someone gets drunk, you might have to give some water to them or if she/he feels sick, wait for them to vomit. 

What you got out of the 2 days?

From these two days, I learned how to treat a drunk person by not taking them to sleep because there is a possibility of them going to die. Another thing is if you overdose on drugs, you might get brain freeze or stroke. People with these kinds of experiences will have to go to rehab because if not, they are going to be in danger. 

What's interesting / new?
We got to know new types of chemical drugs such as SPICE or K2. They recently became popular and we should be aware of that.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

DR ABC or Check Call Care

1 - Recognize

You have to be able to recognize the situation that you are in such as; the person is bleeding, maybe he/she is having a heart attack, or he/she is unconscious, etc. Check the scene for signs of how it happened or what happened. Look around for clues, such as labels if they have a health problem.

2 - Decide

If you are not sure whether you are able to do it, let someone else do it. Ask someone else who is able to do it or more confident to do it if you are too scared. You have think fast about the reasons why you don't want to help the person (example; sued by victim, creating more trouble, dangerous scene or fear)

3 - Activate

If you've decided to help. You then start going through the process of Check/Call/Care. First you check if the scene is safe, put your gloves on, and check if the person is conscious. If conscious, seek approval to help, if unconscious, call for help first and then start caring. Check if the victim is breathing, if they are, leave them in the same position and check for other problems (bleeding). If not breathing, start the process of CPR (2 breaths and 30 chest compressions). 

4 - Care
  • You have to check the situation, put on your gloves on, and check for responsiveness, if the person is unconscious, send someone to go get help immediately.
  • First, you have to check which side his head is facing (easier to roll him over), and put his head to the side that his face is not facing. Then you need to put his ankles in the same way so it's easier to flip over as well Also check that the person's arm closest to you is straight so you can turn the person over easily.
  • You have to grab onto his pants near his hips/waist and put the other hand underneath his neck to in order to flip the person over (to prevent moving his spine or breaking any other bones). Then pull him towards yourself using your body weight.
  • In order to check for breathing, put one hand on the forehead and one hand under the chin to tilt his head up to clear his airway. Then look towards his chest and listen/feel for breathing while looking to see if his chest rises. Take around 10 seconds for this. After checking that he is breathing, look for any injuries or bleeding. 
  • Put him into the recovery position, this requires rolling him back towards the other way again. So first, put the leg furthest from you up so that his sole is on the floor and his knee is facing up. Also make sure the hand furthest from you is straight. Then hold on to his neck from under (your forearm should be under his shoulder as well) and grab onto his pants (waist/hip) to push him away. Once on his side, bend the other leg so they're both bent above each other. Also most the other hand in front of his body as support so that he won't fall over. 

You walk into health class and Mr Charman is lying face down on the floor. Explain/describe the steps that you will take  once you have "decided to act". (once you start your care you find that he is unconscious but IS breathing)....i.e you need to describe the Front to Back/Back to Front method of caring for an unconscious breathing patient

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Eating Disorders

1. What is Anorexia Nervosa?

Self-induced starvation. This person is characterized by a low self-esteem and often have tremendous needs to control their surroundings and emotions. They control/reduce their food intake to the point of starvation. 

2.What is Bulimia?

Binge and purge episode (eat a large quantity of food in a short period of time then use behaviors such as laxatives or self-induced vomiting). They may have episodes of binging and purging to avoid and let out feelings of anger, depression, stress or anxiety. There are two types of Bulimia: Purging type and non-purging type. Purging type is when the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enema. The second type is non-purging type. The person who has a non-purging type Bulimia has used other inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxative, diuretics, or enemas. 

3.What is Compulsive Overeating?

Compulsive overeating is when a person has an addiction to food, using food and eating as a way to hide from their emotions, to fill a void they feel inside and to cope with stresses and problems in their lives. Binge eating are at risk for health attacks, high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease/failure, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke. A person who has compulsive overeating eats without thinking of health risks. 

4.What are some signs and symptoms of these eating disorders?




Obsessive exercise

Craving for food
Calorie and fat gram counting

Feelings of anger, depression, stress, anxiety.
Starvation/restriction of food

People who are overly concerned with body-image.
Craving for food
Self-induced vomiting

Low self-esteem
The use of diet pills and laxatives/diuretics

Overly concerned with body image

Monday, February 11, 2013

You Are What You Eat

  • Rice
  • Chicken
  • Chocolate Milk 
  • Chicken Curry
  • Roti Canai (Rotisserie)

  • Golf
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Sleeping

According to my diet and activities on Sunday, my lifestyle requires 1215 calories. With the food - I consumed on Sunday, the calories I ate summed up to 1375. But then through the activities such as walking, sleeping, golfing, and swimming, I burned 1472 calories. Despite from being unhealthy, I was surprised that I burned 1472 calories in one day through my daily activities. Net calories is obtained by subtracting the calories burned (exercise) from the calories consumed (food). My net calories were 77 calories. Also, at the end of the day the calories I consumed and the calories I burned had a difference of 6% (with the calories consumed higher), which is actually pretty good as the lesser the difference the better it is for the body. By using the website, , I could see the amount of food recommended for my age. According to it, a girl between the ages 14-18 should consume 3 cups of dairy intake, 2 ½ cups of vegetables, 6 ounces of grains, 1-1½ cups of fruits and 6 ounces of proteins (eggs, meat, etc.). I think I didn't match my dairy intake as I consumed 1 cup of chocolate milk on Sunday. Also, according to my dashboard, I ate vegetables but it was spoiled. which approximately would have made 2 ½ cups of vegetables. I consumed 1 ounce of grain on Friday, as I just had roti canai, which consisted 2 ounces of grain. This shows that I definitely need to improve my grain intake. The fats I consumed was unsaturated fats on the bowl of the curry I had. Although not mentioned on the site, the water recommendation for me is 8 glasses per day. I think the recommendation matched the glasses of water that I took on Sunday. Based on these results, I think I need to improve on the amount of grains fruits and vegetables I ingest because those are the areas of the food groups I have to eat. Also, I have to cut down on the amount of saturated fat (42% of diet) I consume and watch what I am eating. From the calorie intake chart, it can be seen that I don’t consume any alcohol, so that is a good point. According to, an average of 15% of my diet should be protein and 55% of my diet should be carbohydrates. Thus, to reduce the risk of fainting, losing energy, I should increase the intake of carbohydrates in my body. In my daily exercise, I should increase the amount of hours I sleep. The adequate number of hours I should sleep is 8, while the amount of hours I slept on Friday was 6. Sleep deprivation can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. Thus, it is a must for me to increase the number of hours I sleep to at least 8.
Also, I should increase the amount of time I exercised on Friday, not to remain in ‘shape’, but just to be physically fit and remain healthy. Exercising everyday will help me increase my stamina, and I can try out for sports.

  • Beef Noodle
  • Donuts
  • Coffee
  • Beef Sausages
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Water


  • Golf
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Sleeping

According to my diet and activities on Monday, my lifestyle requires 2216 calories. With the food - milk, apple, vegetable and chicken sandwich, watermelon juice, bread and lentils I consumed on Saturday, the calories I ate summed up to 2252, which was 36 calories more than needed. But then through the activities such as running, studying, dancing and sleeping, I burned 1108 calories. My net calories were 36, which is lower (and thus, better) compared to Friday’s. Also, at the end of the day the calories I consumed and the calories I burned had NO difference, which is really good as it shows that the calories I ate and the calories I consumed balanced out. By using the website, , I could see the amount of food recommended for my age. According to it, a girl between the ages 14-18 should consume 3 cups of dairy intake, 2 ½ cups of vegetables, 6 ounces of grains, 1- 1 ½ cups of fruits and 6 ounces of proteins (eggs, meat, etc.). I think I matched my dairy intake as I had 2 glasses of milk on Friday. For vegetables, I need to increase the amount of vegetables I consume. I think I didn't consume any vegetables on Saturday. This shows that I definitely need to improve my vegetable intake, as it has consistently been low on Friday as well as Saturday. I think the amount of fruits I need and the amount of fruits I consumed are not equivalent because as I could remember, I didn't take any fruits so, I need to improve my fruits intake. I think the amount of protein I need and the amount of proteins I consumed had a difference of 2 ounces as once of my meals consisted of beef, which contains proteins. Although not mentioned on the site, the water recommendation for me is 8 glasses per day. My diet somewhat matched this requirement as I had 7 glasses of water on Saturday. Based on these results, I think I need to improve on the amount of grains, vegetables and proteins I ingest because those are the areas of the food groups I lack in. Also, I have to cut down on the amount of saturated fat (35% of diet) I consume and watch what I am eating. According to, an average of 15% of my diet should be protein and 55% of my diet should be carbohydrates. I think my diet somewhat matched this requirement to some extent. The amount of protein I had consisted of 17% of my diet which 2% extra, thus, I should work on reducing it. Proteins are beneficial for the body as they are the building blocks of tissues and are needed for growth and repair. Also, the amount of carbohydrates I consumed was 51% of my diet when it had to be 55% of my diet. Thus, I should increase the amount of carbohydrates I consume, as it is a main source of energy and is essential for the body, as the body can carry no activities without energy (even sleeping requires energy). In my daily exercise, I should increase the amount of hours I sleep. The adequate number of hours I should sleep is 8, while the amount of hours I slept on Saturday was 7, which is an hour more than Friday. Sleep deprivation can cause fatigue, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain. It adversely affects the brain and cognitive function. Thus, it is a must for me to increase the number of hours I sleep to at least 8. Also, I should increase the amount of time I exercised on Saturday, not to remain in ‘shape’, but just to be physically fit and remain healthy.

Fitday is an American website that doesn't include Asian's cuisine, which was one of the problem. Before we submit our food intake, it usually asks the portion sizes although I wasn't very sure about the amount of food that I take. Furthermore, it is impossible to type in all the activities you have done in a day, and get a good calculation for how many calories we actually consume each day. However, this is definitely a very good estimate for us to know roughly how many calories are being consumed each day and how to change our lifestyle. And we could see the series of vitamins that we take per day or during the weekend. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Decision Making

Situation 1
What to have for lunch at the ISKL lunch room. 
a   Identify the decision.
  • What do I have to choose for lunch?
b   What are the choices?
  • There are Korean's corner, sandwiches, pizzas, pastas, and vegetarian food. Also, there are other choices such as: potato crackers and etc.
c   What are the consequences? What are you values? Will any one else be effected?  Will your goals be effected?
  • I've gained lots of weights since the winter break. So, I think I need to go on a healthy diet by trying to eat healthy food such as: salad or fruits. Because in this way, I could lose weight but in a good way. These days there are lots of girls get sick because of their unhealthy way to lose weight. Either way my goals will not be affected and the ones who are affected are the ones who I don't buy food from because they are not making as much money. 
d   Make and informed decision.
  • In the end, I chose beef rice with eggs and some vegetables as well as warm glass water to keep myself hydrate while eating my lunch. 
e    Reflect
  • I believe my decision was good but if I could control my hunger a little bit, I could've chosen something healthier like vegetarian food and etc.
Situation 2
To join your friends drinking at a party.
a   Identify the decision.
  • Should I go have fun with my friends without my parents' permission? Or should I listen to  my parents' decision? 
b   What are the choices?
  • To drink alcohol and get drunk or to watch other people getting drunk.
c   What are the consequences? What are you values? Will anyone else be effected? Will your goals be effected?
  • In my opinion, there are so many consequences for drinking. I could get arrested by the cops for underage drinking and also, it will affect my health or I might get addicted which it will risk my body. My goals would be affected as it causes me to slack off and hardly follow my schedule. 
d   Make and informed decision.
  • In the end, I chose not to drink and instead, I spend my free time with my family. I shall not give in to peer pressure. Also, drinking without my parent's permission is against my values because If I do it, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life. 
e    Reflect
  • It was a right decision to made by me. Consuming alcohol while you are still young is a bad decision because it would be a really big disadvantage for me. 
Situation 3
To become sexually active with your girls/ boy friend.
a   Identify the decision.
  • To do it or not to do it. 
b   What are the choices?
  • To be sexually active or not. 
c   What are the consequences? What are you values? Will any one else be effected?  Will your goals be effected?
  • If I get sexually active, I might get pregnant and it's really embarrassing for me to have a kid before I get married. Also, it's against my values and I risk getting a STD from my boyfriend. 
d   Make and informed decision.
  • I decide not to do it because it's totally a whole new different level for me and I don't want to take a risk when it comes to sex.
e   Reflect
  • My decision was THE BEST. I did not risk getting any STDs and my life is going by normally.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wellness Related Goals

We have already talked about the basic elements of goal setting, but as a reminder, we use the SMART approach to goal setting:
  • Specific: Good grades in classes
  • Measurable: Around A to A- for all classes
  • Attainable: Study hard!
  • Realistic: 
  • Timely: Around 5 months!
For this assignment, we ask that you choose a health-related goal that you want to focus on for the duration of this semester. The goal you choose to work on should fulfill the following requirements:

a. It should be a goal that needs to be completed by the end of the semester.
b. It should be a goal that follows the SMART elements noted above
c. Keep in mind that goals that are completely under our control (i.e. losing weight) are easier to control then goals that are, to some extent, out of our control (e.g. making a team involves decisions made by others and many variables that are beyond your control)

Steps for achieving a goal

1.Select one goal to work toward. Needs to be SMART.
What health/ wellness benefits would you receive if you made a change in this area?
  • I'll be intellectual benefited by having good grades in all classes. Because that's the only thing you have to do as a student. 

What difficulties might make achieving this goal a challenge?
  • There might be times where we give up in the middle of doing it and ends up with bad grades but  we must stop being a slacker or skips a class. 

2.List three specific things you need to do to make  this change / improvement happen (be specific)

a. Study harder and never skip class!
b. Listen your teachers well!
c. Try to ask your teacher if you have a problem with it!

3.Identify others who can help you and support your efforts.
a. Myself! You need to prepare yourself first. 
b. My parents! 
c. My friends!

4. Give yourself a specific period of time to reach your goal.
  • Maybe until at the end of this year. Around June or July.

5.Build in checkpoints to evaluate how you are doing. How are you going to measure your successes / failures.
  • I have to keep in track my study schedule and balance it with other things such as: social network or hang out with friends.

6.Give yourself a reward once you’ve achieved the goal.

Monday, January 14, 2013

You just got cut from the team

Dear Eddie,
Please don’t be bummed out because being cutting from the team is anything but the end. Cherish the tryout experience and use it to gather experience for next year. From the tryout you can do many improvements: by seeing all the different skills people hold and what coaches are looking for, you now know what kind of level the team requires and just use it as a lesson-learned and get inspired! You can do better and make it next year! Don't give up or feel like you can't do better because you can. If that's the way it works, stop on a certain things because you failed once then, Taylor Swift would be long gone.


1. At bedtime, I fall asleep easily. 1 2 3 4
2. I get along well in school. 1 2 3 4
3. If awakened, I easily fall asleep again 1 2 3 4
4. I control nervous habits (eg. nail biting). 1 2 3 4
5. I take 15-20 minutes a day to do what I want. 1 2 3 4
6. I accept things I can’t change. 1 2 3 4
7. I get along with my family. 1 2 3 4
8. I make sure I take time each day to relax. 1 2 3 4
9. I avoid using pot/alcohol to relieve tension. 1 2 3 4
10.I am happy with my life. 1 2 3 4

Total: 34
1. I eat one raw fruit or vegetable every day. 1 2 3 4
2. I drink fewer than five soft drinks a week. 1 2 3 4
3. I avoid adding salt at the table. 1 2 3 4
4. I eat whole grain bread and cereal daily. 1 2 3 4
5. I read and understand food labels. 1 2 3 4
6. I stay within ten pounds of my ideal weight. 1 2 3 4
7. I avoid eating sugared cereal. 1 2 3 4
8. I avoid sweet or highly salted snacks. 1 2 3 4
9. I eat a nutritious breakfast. 1 2 3 4
10.I avoid eating fried foods. 1 2 3 4

Total: 29

1. I climb stairs rather than use elevators. 1 2 3 4
2. I regularly bike, run, or walk for exercise. 1 2 3 4
3. I do some other strenuous activity at least 1 2 3 4 twice a week.
4. I warm up before doing hard exercise. 1 2 3 4
5. I like to exercise. 1 2 3 4
6. I can jog for 15 minutes and not be winded. 1 2 3 4
7. I have enough energy to get through my day. 1 2 3 4
8. I do stretching exercises twice a week. 1 2 3 4
9. I avoid riding when I can walk. 1 2 3 4
10.Physical activity is part of my life. 1 2 3 4

Total: 27

1. I protect my home from fire and safety hazards. 1 2 3 4
2. I protect myself from pregnancy and/or STD’s. 1 2 3 4
3. I avoid smoking cigarettes. 1 2 3 4
4. I avoid riding with a drinking driver. 1 2 3 4
5. I avoid abusing drugs, including alcohol. 1 2 3 4
6. I collect papers, cans, and glass for recycling. 1 2 3 4
7. When riding a bike, skateboard, motorcycle, Roller-blades etc., I wear a helmet. . 1 2 3 4
8. I’d avoid driving if I’d been drinking. 1 2 3 4
9. I wear a seat belt in cars. 1 2 3 4
10.My immunizations are up-to-date. 1 2 3 4

Total: 40

1. It is easy for me to laugh. 1 2 3 4
 2. I can accept compliments. 1 2 3 4
3. I am able to give honest compliments. 1 2 3 4
4. I act according to my values. 1 2 3 4
5. I look forward to the future. 1 2 3 4
6. At times, I like to be alone. 1 2 3 4
7. I think it’s okay to express my feelings. 1 2 3 4
8. I plan my time wisely. 1 2 3 4
9. I listen to and accept good advice. 1 2 3 4
10.I seek help if I have a problem. 1 2 3 4

Total: 40

One of my close relatives has had: Yes No
1. Heart Disease: Yes
2. High Blood Pressure: Yes
3. Cancer: Yes
4. Diabetes: No
5. Glaucoma: No
6. Asthma: Yes
7. Alcoholism: No
8. Mental Illness: Yes
9. Stroke: Yes
10.Arthritis: No

Three ways to improve category with lowest score:
1. Diet. Try to eat regularly and lesser than usual.
2. Exercise more. Maybe around twice a week. The more it is, the better it is going to be
3. Be more positive because if you are a negative person, the possibility of getting sick or stress will be easier.